So, I know that it has been quite a long time since I post something...(not that I have any "followers" that would be upset). But it is always on the back of my mind...and it bugs me just to think that I started this and I have been procrastinating for so long and not sat in front of the computer long enough to post something. Just for my piece of mind...(if that is possible!)
Ok...enough of the bla-bla-bla!
And here we go...For Ella Maria's 2nd Birthday (Nov.5th) I decided to make her at least part of her birthday outfit. I made this really simple skirt...I got the "pattern" from what has become one of my favorite website for kids clothing patterns. I want to be able to make every single piece of clothing that they have a pattern for...and one day I will. I just need to get some extra income to be able to buy all those patterns. Or maybe I could become one of their "boutique sewers"...I will need some cash for that too... OK, I know I'm rambling again...
The website is:
So I got some brown corduroy fabric for the skirt...I had just got her some "tall" brown boots, and in my mind I had the outfit all figured out. I wish I would have been confident enough to attempt making her a shirt to match the skirt.
The skirt is called "Lazy days skirt" very simple to make...join ends of panel, fold and press top edge, edge-stitch the waist band leaving 2" un-sewn to feed the elastic through the waist band. Sew the elastic ends together, and finish edge-stitching the casing's opening to close it. Sew a ribbon hem to finish the skirt.
Because it was simple enough to make I decided to add a friend to keep Ella Maria company all through the birthday celebration. I made a small pocket for the front left side of the skirt, made a little owl from some leftover fabric I had from other projects...and attached inside the pocket with some ribbon (so she can get him out and play with it without the risk of leaving him lost somewhere.)
This is how the skirt looks like:

And here is Ella Maria wearing the skirt...we went to the Aquarium and have lunch at Daddy's place. We had loads of was a good day!
Right, I forgot to tell you that we started the day opening presents...and I made a banner to commemorate the day...and to keep with the owl theme. This is how it looked like (it's still hanging from her closet door, I wonder what is going to happen to it when she turns 3!?!)
To end the celebration we came back home to sing Happy Birthday and eat home made chocolate cupcakes!
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl!