for his birthday cake he wanted "my famous" chocolate cake!!! The night before the big day, after Ella Maria had gone to bed, I baked the cake...out of the oven by midnight, I thought I might have time to frost it and have it ready, but of course by the time the cake came out of the oven I was done, ready to go to bed. Who is able to make frosting and frost a cake when you are walking like a zombie...
So I decided that the frosting would be done in the morning...and I would have a very eager helper. When I told Ella Maria that she was going to help me finish Daddy's Birthday cake, well...she was jumping up and down, the same way I would have reacted to someone telling me that I won the new HGTV Green Home (that I enter the sweepstakes every single day for over a month...still waiting for the call. So if you have any influence with the big man up in the sky, I would appreciate a good word or two on my behalf.)
OK...back to the cake. I was up at 5:00 am (not because I was concerned about finishing the cake, is just that the bigger I get the less I sleep!) And of course at that time I was ready for breakfast (lets face it...I just wanted cake). But I could not finish the cake cause I still needed to make the frosting...turn the mixer on, make noise that might not have been appreciated by the rest of the house (specially the birthday boy!) I waited.
Finally everyone was up, and I got the frosting made...and my trusted helper was more than eager to start. So we did...she did a fabulous job, I think she is a natural. Maybe by the age of 3 she will be making her own Birthday cake. LOL
This are the pictures to prove what a great job she did...and if you don't end up with frosting did not enjoyed it!
you always have to lick the bowl clean...spatula in this case!
just 2 candles...we did not wanted to turn our fire alarm on, is too sensitive! 

I guess the frosting was good!!!
The finished cake...
daddy's Birthday present...I made him a T shirt that says "I am kind of a big deal", now with being on TV it just seemed a good saying for it...
Ella Maria invited Daddy to a tea party for his Birthday...check out all the friends that came! very sweet!
Birthday kiss after singing Happy Birthday ...
blow the candles...
Happy Birthday Daddy! we love you so very much!